Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I've been pretty much out of the infomercial loop, but I woke up this morning at 4:15 and decided to stay in bed watching television with the sound very low for a while. (I normally get up just before 5 am.) As I flipped about the channels, I discovered some amazing opportunities.

I can buy a $50 US Buffalo Gold Piece for just $9.99. Yes, that's right. Near the end of the advertisment came the information that this is a gold clad coin that has a total of 14 milligrams of 24 karat gold. Wow, sounds impressive. Until you find out that it converts to 0.000493 oz of gold. Even at $1100 an ounce for gold, that means you're buying 54 cents worth of gold for $9.99 - quite a deal.

I know the coin blank costs money and that shipping has to be charged, but really. P.T. Barnum was a master of capitalizing on the public's naivete with his sign that said, "This way to the great egress" (which of course pointed people out to the exits). These folks must have taken lessons from him.

There are also tons (no pun intended) of weight loss and fitness systems/products out there. Why you can be a beautiful, fit, lean woman by trying flirty fitness, or follow Hollywood spokespersons for one of the more recognizable 'name brand' weight loss systems.

I am not saying that these are outright scams. Obviously if they can pay for these to air, they must be making money. What I am saying is that when it comes ot me, "no thanks."

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